Numinous Realm's Strategy Consulting Wing (+ new client)
The strategy consulting wing of my research organization, Numinous Realm, recently published a new video introducing the story of one of the world’s top trade finance consultants.
Numinous Realm is involved in cutting-edge research into the nature of the deep psyche and the evolution of history. We are bringing together for the first time recent developments in the field of depth psychology, historical analysis, and computer science. This work is borne out of my graduate studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies.
We are building a Strategy Consulting wing to self finance our research endeavors, and remain independent until we can better understand the best way to move forward with institutional funding, given the disruptive nature of our work.
Trade Risk Consulting is our first client. We took their heritage and legacy, and transformed it into a customer learning experience focused on new global business opportunities. Our work extends beyond marketing and communications and into “performance enhancement” across the entire organization, revising every facet of an organization to become a taut and efficient tool with which to effect change in the world.
I have had an opportunity to delve into some reasonably thorough discussions regarding Marx and Capitalism. I have always been an advocate for attending to the social implications of business. I have invested a lot of effort as a community builder for this movement in New York and California. But I also have been feeling over the past year or so that many of the typical liberal arguments against capitalism are underinformed. I would love for hardcore critics of capitalism—if they care so much about understanding equitable capital flows—to invest some time into actually creating even a small business. I say this not to mock the critique of capitalism, but to shed light on a formative experience for me which has led me to question some of the naive assumptions I had as an undergrad leaving NYU Stern in the wake of the great recession to go into social work in the backwaters of South India.
“Context” is the challenge of the postmodern. Pictured here, “For Walking” boots by OffWhite.
Moving forward, I am committed to exploring and negotiating with the realities of the market economy we live in, along with sensible critiques of the system, such as short-term thinking and environmental destruction. What is so hard to reconcile here is that the same thing which is right in one context can be harmful in another. "Context" is the challenge of the postmodern milieu which we inhabit.
You can learn more about what Numinous Realm is up to at Earlier this month we added a second client, Zymr, a global technology studio headquartered in Silicon Valley.
The rough sketch at this point in time seems to be, build some services cashflow, use that to launch a fashion label. I tried launching a fashion label last year, and it was pretty brutal (Mother Earth Worldwide — will be back soon!). There is a robust operationally creative component that totally crushed me. So obviously there will be a lot to figure out still. Those profits would be used to continue developing the technology platform which aims for a General Predictive Capacity across multiple industries. And then, rather than selling the data, I would like to explore how Numinous Realm could build its own businesses to leverage the steadily increasing competitive advantage.
This is something I have been thinking about, the role of institutional funding, and whether there may be paths to proceed without involving unsympathetic investors. This is not to say I do not have faith in the world of investors, especially in a place like Silicon Valley. However, there is certainly a lot of risk political and ethical risk that could emerge by bringing in the wrong partner.
The overarching goal of Numinous Realm is to support the life affirming individuation of every being on the planet. It is fundamentally a Jungian mission—if viewed from a Western lens—and will require a creative intersection of commerce, art, technology, and psychology.