Blazing a trail behind a Nobel-Worthy discovery
There's been a discovery in California by a credible researcher--Richard Tarnas--regarding a relationship between the alignment of planets and recurring themes in world events.
His research indicates that every time the same planets come into a geometric alignment, the themes which astrologers have concluded represent those planets manifest into world history.
Richard Tarnas
This manifestation takes a remarkable diversity of forms--from politics to artistic movements to technology breakthroughs. It goes without saying that the existence of this paradigm implies a major revisioning is required for how humanity views its place in the cosmos--and how the cosmos is constituted. The term given to this form of analysis is called Archetypal Astrology.
Given that these patterns are occurring, it implies that a certain degree of prediction is possible within the framework of Archetypal Astrology. One can look at previous moments in history when certain transits were occurring to see what themes and qualities presented themselves and shaped society. This forms the basis of an archetypal guidance to what patterns may re-emerge when those planets return into relationship.
This in some ways implies a prediction about the psychological nature of the future, but not the material nature. To try and predict material outcomes requires integrating a substantial amount of physical data as well, about how trends are developing. The initial creative development is being led by myself and my co-founder and fiancé, @SomyaThakker. And it would seem like a tool such as GenerativeAI would be very useful in helping to develop these kinds of predictions over time. However, as outlined by Karl Popper in “The Poverty of Historicism” as well as Isaac Asimov in the fictional “Foundation Series”, sharing these predictions too widely to constitute a shift in the grounds of the present, changing the very nature of that future.
Thus if a company is seeking to capitalize on these trends, the company must have both a sufficiently developed capacity to perceive these trends forming, as well as a capacity to produce these trends through vertically integrated creative means.
Fashion is one arena within which this capacity can be developed because the fashion world is in an ongoing dialogue at the intersection of psychological and material factors. In fact, it could be said that fashion is so important because it helps us materialize the changing seasons in a more immediate way (what Nassim Nicholas Taleb might appreciate as frequent course corrections) rather than waiting for the major cracks to appear through devastating paradigm shifts.
We continue to develop the way we are thinking about and sharing our work at Numinous Realm home of the predictive production platform HistoryEngine and its first application--the fashion brand Integrate This.
If you would like to stay at the cutting edge of this new Copernican Revolution, join us at Integrate This and look fly in the process. We have a 50 limited edition hoodies available reflecting the current Saturn-Uranus cycle called Paradigm Crack with sales ending in mid-November. As I'm sure you are well aware, we can see all sorts of paradigms cracking all around us as we speak.
Be well